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时间 | 项目 | 金额 | 服务商流水号 |
03/13/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $120.00 | 105943969560096 |
04/09/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $120.00 | 106339679430096 |
05/09/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $120.00 | 106755403330096 |
06/09/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $120.00 | 107211368870096 |
07/11/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $120.00 | 200048707640096 |
08/13/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $120.00 | 200096774030096 |
09/14/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $120.00 | 200153412120096 |
10/09/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $120.00 | 200188223270096 |
10/15/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $117.60 | 200201610740096 |
12/02/2016 | 阿里云服务器 | $117.60 | 200336633360096 |
01/05/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $117.60 | 200446006430096 |
01/14/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $117.60 | 200476256910096 |
02/12/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $117.60 | 200520443740096 |
03/14/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $114.60 | 200608237910096 |
04/12/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $114.60 | 200685115330096 |
05/13/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $114.60 | 200764254940096 |
06/09/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $114.60 | 200865101880096 |
07/14/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $111.57 | 200987913500096 |
08/07/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $141.57 | 201057208390096 |
08/31/2017 | 七牛CDN | $15.20 | 59b26eee4159a35434078c03 |
09/12/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $141.57 | 201188813090096 |
09/30/2017 | 七牛CDN | $20.25 | 59da346e4159a33e4a0792c6 |
10/12/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $141.57 | 201276121430096 |
10/31/2017 | 七牛CDN | $21.09 | 59ffc41f18dd350983079870 |
11/13/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $141.57 | 201355881200096 |
11/30/2017 | 七牛CDN | $13.20 | 5a26a09118dd3543e507852e |
12/14/2017 | 阿里云服务器 | $141.57 | 201465382690096 |
12/31/2017 | 七牛CDN | $14.13 | 5a4f032e4159a3782207bb22 |
01/08/2018 | 阿里云服务器 | $133.97 | 201564716680096 |
01/31/2018 | 七牛CDN | $8.73 | 5a782e375952f00788079348 |
02/10/2018 | 阿里云服务器 | $133.97 | 201680113840096 |
02/28/2018 | 七牛CDN | $14.07 | 5a9d313e5952f031fb10e253 |
03/13/2018 | 阿里云服务器 | $133.97 | 201724852030096 |
03/31/2018 | 七牛CDN | $9.84 | 5ac4bed44159a3443d0c7f23 |
04/08/2018 | 阿里云服务器 | $133.97 | 201838412680096 |
04/30/2018 | 七牛CDN | $10.98 | 5aeeef175952f020f81c45b5 |
05/12/2018 | 阿里云服务器 | $133.97 | 201983630250096 |
05/31/2018 | 七牛CDN | $12.16 | 5b16c8405952f03b541754c9 |
06/12/2018 | 阿里云服务器 | $133.97 | 202119116390096 |
06/30/2018 | 七牛CDN | $13.04 | 5b3cbe204159a34f76120b64 |
07/12/2018 | 阿里云服务器 | $103.97 | 202255719630096 |
07/31/2018 | 七牛CDN | $26.78 | 5b65abc74159a3238d050dd1 |
08/08/2018 | Bandwagon VPS | $131.18 | 7854575 |
08/31/2018 | 七牛CDN | $51.20 | 5b8f635292a30f36a41a6bce |
09/30/2018 | 七牛CDN | $59.19 | 5bb72bfb1983a134d71af37b |
合计 | $4,154.65 |
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