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来自 Derpy News 的消息

本周一,孩之宝公布了第二季度的财报。虽然营收超出了华尔街的预期,但同比仍有所下降。这在很大程度上是因为玩具反斗城的破产清算。当然,报告中也表示,孩之宝正在关注“欧洲迅速演进的零售业环境” (“rapidly evolving European retail environment in Europe”)。

相比于去年第二季度,营业收入下降了7%,而旗下品牌的收入下降了8%。旗下四个品牌(MLP、变形金刚、Nerf、培乐多)的下滑抵消了由Baby Alive、地产大亨和万智牌(Magic: The Gathering)带来的增长。

据Seeking Alpha的转录文本,当被问及小马宝莉的表现和他们是否仍然能看到这一系列的好处(whether they still see benefits to the franchise),孩之宝CEO布赖恩·戈德纳(Brian Goldner)如是说:

“The MY LITTLE PONY brand has certainly benefited from the movie home entertainment windows and now the movies move from home entertainment into a lot of the streaming services, its performing quite well and we continue to see in markets around the world where the streaming is taking place and the brand continues to hold up quite well and the POS is good. Revenues were down a little bit in the quarter, but again, POS is quite strong as we move to the disruption and the liquidation at Toys“R”Us,” said Goldner.


“Interestingly, as we’ve now gotten our TV series on the air on CCTV which is Chinese Television, we’re seeing some great growth of MY LITTLE PONY in the China market behind that and you should expect to continue to see momentum in our brand as we’ve just launched the season eight in television and that will roll out around the world. And then again in the future we would expect to do another MY LITTLE PONY animated feature film, because again it contributed quite nicely and it’s also a great way to tell story around that brand.”



“The way the movie worked was we produced this movie with third-party studio. We had it distributed by Lionsgate. They took a distribution fee. We then created a toy and game line and we participated in the toys and games sales and earnings from the toys and games. The consumer products where we had hundreds of licensees and the royalty income that came from that, as well as from the movie after paying the distribution fee and allowing for recruitment of the marketing, so that the total economic value was positive for our company and continues to be positive as the content continues to run through home entertainment which actually performed even better than our expectation and now is what is streaming on a number of different platforms and we’ll continue to be a story asset that will run through different territories.


“And of course this really raised halo for the brand. And then of course we’re using beyond that using the television series now that’s airing around the world including with CCTV in China based on a growing relationship with them across TRANSFORMERS and MY LITTLE PONY and that’s also beneficial.”




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已有 5 条评论
  1. Fluttershy

    buy our toys

    2018年7月31日 21:31来自移动端 回复
  2. Luna


    2018年7月31日 08:10来自移动端 回复
  3. 另一部MLP长篇,G5真的要来了吗。。。

    2018年7月29日 09:47来自移动端 回复
    • ~BronyACHolly~


      2018年7月29日 21:22来自移动端 回复
  4. 小Smooz

    buy our toys!

    2018年7月28日 21:06来自移动端2 回复